How to Install LED Light Bar

LED light bar can be used in several applications including home décor, car decoration and photography. They produce a cool clear light that leaves your home looking beautiful. They also come in different color and several of them can be put together to produce a bar. Fixing the bar is similar to fixing any other light because the wiring is the same, but there is a difference in the way the bars are fixed on the wall.
You will need to turn of the power at the main circuit when you are installing the LED light bar. Next, get the measurements of the place where you plan to install the lights. This is meant to give you the center so you can identify where you will place the center of the bar when you install it. The light bar comes with small hooks that you can use to mount it on the surface. However, you will need to screw holes on the surface so the lights can sit snugly on the wall.
Once the lights are on the wall, you will need to do the wiring. The light bar should be away from the wall when you are doing this. Now you can turn the lights on and enjoy the light produced by the LED light bar.